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From University to Unicorn 2023
✅ Leading research – from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to cryptography and robotics.
✅ Exciting young research talent and education programs with a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.
✅ A knowledge-driven business community focused on research, innovation and new technologies.
Danish universities have a unique potential for innovation. A potential that can be turned into solutions to some of today’s biggest challenges.
But the journey from research to market-changing solutions is long, and the question is, are we turning enough world-class research into real solutions with impact?
Meget er sket i startup-verdenen siden giganterne selv startede i garagen, og unge startups er stadig kanariefuglen i minen, der opdager luftforandringerne og implementere og afprøve nye løsninger før alle andre – takket være deres agilitet.
Med det afsæt kaster vi os ind i temaet “Workscape: Fremtidens Arbejdsliv”. Vi går helt tæt på arbejdslivet i en række startups for at afdække den særlige organisering, kultur og teknologiparathed som driver både vækst og medarbejdertrivsel.