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Global Tech Trends 2024

Green transition, Life Science, and Technology: Innovation Centre Denmark aims to lift Denmark’s innovation power and build a greener, healthier, and smarter future.

For the second consecutive year, TechSavvy.Media and Innovation Centre Denmark have partnered to provide the Danish innovation ecosystem with exclusive insights into some of the world’s leading tech trends from Innovation Centre Denmark’s seven innovation hotspots.

The Global Tech Trends is a collection of seven short reports highlighting some of the most significant emerging tech trends from Bangalore, Boston, Munich, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Shanghai, and Silicon Valley.
Each report offers an introduction, an evaluation of the potential impact, and a brief analysis of how the local innovation ecosystem aligns with Danish stakeholders’ interests.


Syv nye trends er blevet opsnappet og afdækket this year. Det betyder dog ikke, at de 12 trends fra Global Tech Trends 2023 er outdated. Find dem lige her:

Global Tech Trends conference on 11.SEPTEMBER

Innovation Centre Denmark launched our Global Tech Trends platform in collaboration with, which gathers 12 unique descriptions of technological trends from all over the world. You can learn more from the people behind the reports at our Global Tech Trends conference on September 11th.


11TH OF SEPTEMBER, 11:30 AM - 5.30 PM



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