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Individual sports without any affiliation to clubs or organizations are on the rise. So is our expectation of what the club is supposed to offer the community. And we don’t want the connection to our local hero-athletes to start and stop at the entrance to the stadium.
The way we play, organize and consume sports is going through a radical change – and technology is a significant part of that. In this theme, we’re focusing on the organizations, startups and clubs that drive digital change.
Who harvests the power of technology to increase performance and experience, enhance the affiliation with the local club and strengthen the community around or favourite sport. Enjoy!
God læselyst!
Sportstech in Motion (2021)
16. september, 2021
Få vores ugentlige nyhedsbrev med de seneste nyheder og største historier om tech og startups direkte i indbakken hver torsdag!
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TechSavvy Media
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