It’s hard to predict the future. But megatrends is a great indicator as to what the direction is.
This doesn’t mean, that megatrends are going to turn everything upside down, so sports, clubs and associations will look completely different in a few short years. But trends allow us to tap into the direction changes are flowing and act – as they are most likely here to stay and gradually change the way sports exists.
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and DGI has found six significant megatrends, that they assume will affect sports as well as society as a whole in the coming years:
1: Sustainability
UN’s Sustainability Goals have defined a set of goals for a more sustainable future, and this is also going to affect sports and clubs. Both for the sake of our planet, but also because we as members, participants and viewers expect an opinion and effort on sustainability.
2: Digitization
Digitization is everywhere and is also affecting sports to an increasing extent. Both when members interact with their club. When the club wants to improve its offerings. When we gather around new sports through digital solutions. When we consume sports at a stadium or in front of the TV. And even the way we practice current, as well as future sports, is affected by digitization in several ways.
3: Health
Sports isn’t just for fun and cosy recreation – it’s also about health. For some, health has almost become a religion and the most important reason why they engage in sports – a trend that will likely gain additional traction going forward.
4: Individualism
“One size fits all” is dead. In all parts of our lives, we’ve been accustomed to designing and tailoring products and solutions to fit our current state and situation. A development that has already made its initial splash in the world of sports.
5: Commercialisation
Traditionelle, Danish associations have been run with a high degree of community and volunteering as a driving force. That tradition is now competing with more commercial offerings – sports, exercise and health have become a commodity.
6: Demographic changes
The population is getting older, more people are single and the urban population is growing. This presents new demands for organization, volunteering, facilities and associations as we know them.