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Startup Ordbog

Startup miljøet kan være svær at navigere rundt i. Lad vores startup ordbog være din guide til at forstå terminologien der binder miljøet sammen. Startups ordbogen er til dig, der gerne vil vide lidt mere om startup miljøet.


An accelerator is an intensive program that provides startups with mentorship, education, resources, and sometimes funding to accelerate their growth.

What is an Accelerator?

An accelerator is a program with a set time and a group of people working together designed to help startups and entrepreneurs grow their businesses quickly. These programs offer advice, mentorship, education, getting resources, and sometimes funding in exchange for a share in the business. The main aim is to speed up the growth and success of the startups involved.

How Does an Accelerator Work?

Accelerators typically have the following key characteristics:

  1. Application Process: Startups apply to join an accelerator program, usually through a competitive application process. Selected startups become part of a cohort.
  2. Cohort-Based: Accelerators work with a group (cohort) of startups simultaneously, fostering collaboration, peer learning, and networking.
  3. Fixed Duration: Accelerator programs have a defined duration, often lasting three to six months. During this time, startups receive intensive support and guidance.
  4. Curriculum: Accelerators provide structured educational content, workshops, and mentorship on various aspects of business development, including market research, product development, marketing, and fundraising.
  5. Mentorship: Startups are paired with experienced mentors and advisors who offer guidance and insights. Mentorship is a key component of the accelerator experience.
  6. Resources: Accelerators may offer access to resources such as office space, prototyping facilities, legal and accounting services, and software tools.
  7. Funding: Some accelerators provide seed funding to participating startups in exchange for equity. The amount of funding varies among programs.
  8. Demo Day: Accelerator programs often culminate in a “Demo Day,” where each startup presents their progress and pitches to a room of potential investors.
  9. Equity Stake: In exchange for the resources and funding provided, accelerators typically take an equity stake in the participating startups, which can range from single-digit percentages to more significant shares.

Why are Accelerators Significant?

Accelerators play a crucial role in the startup ecosystem for several reasons:

  1. Speed and Focus: They help startups achieve in a few months what might otherwise take years, thanks to focused support and a structured curriculum.
  2. Mentorship: Accelerators provide access to experienced mentors and advisors who can offer valuable guidance and industry insights.
  3. Networks: Participating in an accelerator exposes startups to a wide network of fellow entrepreneurs, potential customers, partners, and investors.
  4. Funding: Many startups secure additional funding and investor interest after completing accelerator programs.
  5. Validation: Acceptance into a reputable accelerator program can serve as validation of a startup’s potential, making it more attractive to investors and customers.
  6. Education: Accelerator programs offer workshops and educational resources that help entrepreneurs build essential skills.
  7. Community: Accelerator cohorts often become tight-knit communities of founders who continue to support each other long after the program ends.
  8. Ecosystem Growth: Accelerators contribute to the growth of local entrepreneurial ecosystems by connecting startups with resources and stakeholders.