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Prescriptive structure and smart minds: IT startup set out to scale


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When you click on Set Snail’s website, you’ll find a reference list that includes huge names – Budweiser, Reebok, Ikea, Google and many more. But despite the big customers, the IT startup has had to cut staff, so founders Brian, Kasper and Morten have been forced to think outside the box.

The creative IT startup product designs and develops games for its customers, which means the process can unfold differently from time to time. That’s why the structure must now be put on ‘prescription’ in order to meet the ever-increasing demands of projects when large customers like Snapchat place an order.

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“We started small, but now we need to bring in smart people who can show us how to scale in the best way. Because we’re going beyond the steppes and into the Superliga. And this will be done by providing structure on prescription,” Kasper Bøttcher, co-founder of Set Snail, tells Erhvervplus.

The war in Ukraine and the rapid rise of artificial intelligence are among the main reasons why several customers had to rethink their collaboration with the startup. But when you pick yourself up by the tree where you fell, there is good reason to believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to create much more business:

“We already use artificial intelligence in our work and customers are asking for it too. There’s a lot of optimism here. We have some exciting things on the drawing board, so it’s going to be wild,” Kasper Bøttcher explains to Erhvervplus.

3 quick facts about Set Snail:

  • Set Snail develops digital products and works with animation, home and game development.
  • The startup has an office in Filmbyen in Aarhus C, where there are nine employees.
  • In 2022, the accounts showed a gross profit of DKK 11.4 million and a profit of DKK 2.9 million.

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